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TO大寶~ 你說的2.0 EPIC那個東西我看可以先延遲,等有人解完1.5EPIC再跟你申請就可以(其他三個人可以順便撿 ...
Ayu 發表於 2014-2-15 17:05



本帖最後由 Ayu 於 2014-2-15 20:50 編輯

呵呵 ~ 因為我覺得LV80開始的裝備和80以下的裝備真的差好多~ LV70~80那套defiant最便宜的一個部位15PP而已 最貴的部位我BARD BP 2K就有 @@  不過如果大寶不覺得累(還要參加RF RAID)要帶我們小朋友去玩當然是好阿 哈哈~

另外simone說得好像是說RAID掉的裝備比defiant的好,是真的這樣沒錯,但我覺得過度裝備隨便穿一穿就可以囉 =P (有些看不太懂,英文太糟糕XD)

對了還有一件事情想問一下,不知道各位知不知道包月玩家送4KPP是算短時間的活動,還是說下次patch開始只要有包月的就會馬上送4K AA呢?
怕活動開始後才包月的就沒送 >"<|||


本帖最後由 Ayu 於 2014-2-16 11:31 編輯

Hot News !!
昨晚又遇到一個新的系統:Leadership AA
按L會出現一個Leadership AA的框框,有十幾個AA可以點,大寶說下面兩個不錯:
Inspect buffs : 可以讓所有隊伍成員看到怪物身上有哪些BUFF (不是debuff喔)
Spell Awareness : 可以看怪物正在施放的法術 (這有蝦用? RAID躲法術嗎?話說我不確定大寶是不是推薦這個XD)
我自己點了和Assist有同樣效果的:Health of target's target
就是點熱鍵後會出現一個新的血條框框,會出現你當前目標的目標,也就是說你可以點一下main ass的人後,就可以看到他正在打哪一隻怪物,點一下就可以和ASS有同樣意思。
有一個我覺得不錯的是:Offense  Enhancement 可以增加攻擊能力。(實際是增加蝦咪我也不知道XD)

和普通的AA一樣有未點點數上限(普通AA30點的樣子) groupAA是8點,當8點滿的時候就會出現紅色訊息,

還有一個Group Mentoring,昨天我跟大寶說可以選一個隊員讓隊長獲得的經驗給指定隊員(有%數可以條)
本來想說 PL超好用,但我後來又發現這經驗值只跟leaderAA exp有關,根本身的EXP無關阿>"<
也就是說用這指導功能給指定隊員經驗的也是leaderAA exp而已 QQ



本帖最後由 Simone 於 2014-2-16 22:47 編輯

Leadership is a system that was introduced with EverQuest's 7th expansion, Gates of Discord.  My enchanter, Seso, had pretty much all of the group abilities learned back in 2005.  I also ended up maxing most of these out on Maladie on the Vulak'Aerr server after Gates of Discord became available so I have quite a bit of experience with these abilities and how they work and which ones you should focus on getting first.

I rank group leadership abilities as follows:

1. Inspect buffs -- Rank 1 lets you see what spells are cast the target mob and as such is invaluable in knowing if a mob is snared, slowed, etc.  Rank 2 however has been made mostly obsolete over the years so stop at rank 1 until you've bought most/all of the other abilities.

2. Spell awareness -- This is the second useful as it will tell you what spell other players and NPCS are casting; it's also a necessary ability to have if you want this information to be viewable in the parser.  

3. Health of Target's Target -- It doesn't sound great but it's actually much better than you think as it shows you exactly which player is at the top of the hate list.  This a very valuable ability if you are playing main tank or main healer.  Don't forget to set your hotkey so that you can make the window appear.

4. Mark NPC -- Mark NPC lets you put a 1, 2 or a 3(you get 1 mark per rank).  This ability is very useful in helping to communicate which order you will kill the mobs in.  If you are pulling you can mark your intended target with a 1 so the group knows to kill that mob first.  

5. Delegate Mark NPC  -- If group leader is a class that can't really make very good use of mark NPC then they can use this ability to delegate it to the puller or the enchanter which can make much better use of it.

6. Health Enhancement -- At rank 3 each party member will be granted+100 hp.  Might not seem like much but every little bit helps.

7. Mana Enhancement -- Similar to health enhancement but adds mana instead.  At rank 3 each party member will be granted +100 mana; since some classes do not have mana I rate this one below health enhancement.  

8. Offense enhancement -- Similar to Health and Mana enhancement but there are 5 ranks.  At rank 5 each member of the party is granted +50 attack; +50 attack is cool but not a huge difference and only about half the classes in the game can make real good use out of it.

9.  NPC Health  -- Puts the NPC health % right next to the name of the group leader's target.  Not really that useful since the health % can be seen in the target window; it's only real use is to see who the group leader is targeting.  Not very useful.

10.  Health Regeneration -- Each rank adds +1 health regeneration.  Rank 3 means every one in the party recovers an additional 3hp every 6 seconds or 30hp every minute; very trivial at high levels.  It's helps but not by much.  

11 Find Path to PC -- Lets you use create a hotkey that creates a golden pathway to a party member; exactly like finding a trader in the bazaar.  Not really that useful unless you forgot to download maps or having a hard time navigating the zone.  I've used this ability maybe once to try it out; never really needed it though which is why I rank it last.  

You need a minimum of 3 characters in your group to gain leadership exp(mercs count) and benefit from leadership abilities already learned.  If you have a RAF account I would make them your party leader as they gain exp faster and can learn these abilities faster so you can make use of their benefits sooner.  

There are also raid leadership abilities which is like group leadership but applies to the leader of the raid if the raid has 18 or more people in it.  Unless you are the designated raid leader for a guild you wont have to worry about learning these abilities.


Simone 說的很詳細,spell awareness 就是讓你知道所有的人在施的法術,配合game parse, 就可以參考強人施的法術順序與種類,對提高自己技術很重要!
另外,inspect buff 是連debuff都可以看得見,怪物身上有什麼法術可以一目了然,是最重要最重要的技能!


今天發生一宗悲劇...我想說MAG GATE回POK比較快,就幫回POK幫我BARD買法術 花了7~8K 結果....法術是no drop的...



回復 246# Ayu

If both of your accounts are under the same name and you pay for gold subscription you could probably petition it and say that you bought the spells on the wrong character and ask them to transfer them to your other character.  I have used petitions in the past to resolve looting no trade items with the wrong character so buying spells with the wrong character shouldn't be too different.


have money = anything can be  fix XD


vanguard .. 當初也是很紅,不過我沒去玩也不知道 ~~ ,  看起來蠻棒的

話說,你先等我這幾天我要找 ...
varizon 發表於 2014-1-25 20:52

    當初刷下去結果遊戲執行製作人落跑= =WTF

